
My favorite snakes

kinds of them

Brazilian  Rainbow Boa
Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
Asian Vine Snake


The Viper is one of the scariest snakes in Bulgaria. It is venomous and its poison is very dangerous to the living creatures. It leaves in the Balkans and in the east of Bulgaria. The reason why it is so scary is because it has long teeth( around 13 mm) and deadly poison.
 It is not that long. Its length is from 50-70 centimetres. Females are smaller than males. The head is sharp with some scales. The unique thing about it is that on the top of its head the Viper has a horn. The tail is short and the color of the body is sometimes grey or brown depending on the snake itself. The tongue is black.
  The Viper eats little mammals  and birds as well as reptiles.It also eats other snakes and it hibernates from 2 to 6 months. It does not lay eggs but gives birth like a mammal.

The Viper

Danail Dinev 8 a 2022