
My favorite snakes

kinds of them

Brazilian  Rainbow Boa
Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
Asian Vine snake

Asian Vine snake!

 It is a green colorful snake that lives mostly in Asia. They are considered as mediumly venomous snakes because of their big fangs located in the upper jaw instead of in the front as they are in the vipers and cobras. They do not posses a true venom delivery system.
  They are found in Sri Lanka and India to China as well as southeast Asia.
  They have thin, elongated bodies, with extremely long tails  and sharply triangular shaped head. They are primarily green in color, but can be quite a bit of yellows, oranges. greys and browns. They can have black or white patterning, but they can be solid in color. their eyes are almost unique in the reptile world ,having keen binocular vision and keyhole shaped pupils.

Asian Vine



Asian Vine snake

Danail Dinev 8 a 2022