
My favorite snakes

kinds of them

Brazilian  Rainbow Boa
Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
Asian Vine Snake


 It is a non poisonous big snake that lives in Asia. It lives in different habitats- swamps, forests , jungles and so on. They need to have water near their living place. Sometimes they can be found in holes in trees or small forests.
 The color of the body is brownish to gold but it also depends on the type of python. Its normal length is from 2,4 to 3 metres.
 They move slowly and it is uncommon for them to attack even if they are attacked. They move in a straight line and like swimming. They can stay in the water for many minutes , but they prefer to stay close to the coast.
 The pythons eat big and small animals mostly mammals. It kills its prey with the method of choking. It twists all over the body of the prey and then it eats it. After they eat the Pythons could survive without eating for weeks even months.
  The Pythons lay eggs and the mother could lay up to 100 eggs at once. She takes care of them when she heats them with her body.


Danail Dinev 8 a 2022