
My favorite snakes

kinds of them

Brazilian  Rainbow Boa
Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
Asian Vine Snake

Blue Malaysian Coral snake!

It mainly lives in the southeast of Asia  but it could be also seen in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Thailand and Burma.
  It is a medium sized coral snake with a slender body. The adults can reach up t o1,8 metres. It has a red head, tail and belly. Its back is dark blue to black in color an it usually has a large blue or white stripe on each flank.
  The Blue Malaysian Coral snake is venomous and it could be lethal. When it is threatened it usually flees but sometimes it remains in place and it moves its tails sending a defensive message. Its venom causes paralysis by blocking the victims sodium channels. There venom is unique since their prey is mainly other snakes. There is no antidote.
Blue Malaysian Coral snake



Blue Malaysian Coral snake

Danail Dinev 8 a 2022